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Key aspects to design an environmental enrichment program for lab rodents

Registration is now closed



The course is focused on the key aspects for designing a proper environmental enrichment program for lab rodents. The speakers will share practical information on how to approach, evaluate and monitor an environmental enrichment plan. An open session will provide opportunities to discuss the practical challenges related to an environmental enrichment program.

Course details:





Language: English
Teaching method:

Online course 


Online Course through Cisco Webex Platform

Duration: 04/10/2023 9:00 -13:15 and 05/10/2023 9:00 -13:00 CEST time zone
Teaching hours:

8 Hours

CPD Credits:

Course accreditated in Flanders by BCLAS, for more info please go to: https://www.bclas.org/continuing-education/


1 day of training / continuing education for Animal welfare officers, Study directors, Involved persons and Heads of Animal facility by Swiss Association of Cantonal Veterinarians (SACV)


This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Biology for purposes of CPD and can be counted as 24 CPD points.

Target audience:

Facility and unit managers and supervisors, veterinarians, persons responsible for overseeing the welfare and care of animals, quality assurance managers, senior technicians

Learning outcomes:

The course participants should be able to:

  • Understand and describe the housing conditions for laboratory rodents and their environmental needs
  • Choose an environmental enrichment, considering both breeding and experimental animals
  • Understand when an environmental enrichment is a useful tool vs a disturbing one, considering the interaction between animals and between animals and humans
  • Monitor and evaluate an environmental enrichment in an objective way
  • Understand if an environmental enrichment conflict with standardization
  • Understand the goals and objectives of an environmental enrichment plan

The course provides:

  • Housing conditions for laboratory rodents and their environmental needs
  • Considerations needed when choosing an environmental enrichment
  • What makes an environmental enrichment a useful tool vs a disturbing one
  • How to monitor and evaluate an environmental enrichment in an objective way
  • Does environmental enrichment conflict with standardization?

Goals and objectives of an environmental enrichment plan

Teaching materials:

Copies of all the presentations will be available for download few days after the course.

Number of participants:

Maximum 20

Selection of the participants:

CVs will be reviewed by the Course Committee to ensure that the applicants have the same professional scope in order to share common background and to maximize the training experience

Registration fee:

190 Euro + 22% VAT RATE when applicable

Early bird registration within July 25, 2023: 170 Euro + 22% VAT RATE when applicable

Registration includes:
  • Participation in the scientific program
  • Training course material
  • Training Course Certificate

In the application form the CV is mandatory, it will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee to ensure that the applicants have the same professional scope in order to share common background and to maximize the training experience. You will be informed when the application is approved.

The course confirmation will be accompanied by payment details.

The invoice will be issued within 10 days after the course confirmation and cannot be changed, so please make sure you have provided us with the correct information (to be checked on the Proforma Invoice). Only digital version of invoices will be sent to participants.

Payment of the fee is due before course commencement. Bank fee on your side

Cancellation policy: All cancellations must be made by writing (email or fax) to the secretary.

Payment of the balance of the course is due, in full, for cancellation received after invoice raising.

Registrants who fail to attend without advance notice are liable for the entire course fee.




For further information please contact: secretary@fondazioneguidobernardini.org

Flyer: Here the flyer

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