Upcoming courses and Events


After the success of the first one , we are pleased to announce the second session of the introductory online course: WHAT SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR RODENT FACILITY?. 

As for the first one during this distance learning introductory course you will appreciate outstanding expertise and will experience interactive sharing and exchange of knowledge; finally, you will have the opportunity to "enter virtually" in an animal facility.

Course details:





Location: Online Course through Cisco
Duration: from 9:00 to 15:30 CEST
Registration fee:

150 € + 22% VAT


If you are interested on being on the waiting list, email me at secretary@fondazioneguidobernardini.org

Registration includes:

Participation in the scientific program
- Training supplementary material

In the application form the CV is mandatory, it will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee to ensure that the applicants have the same professional scope in order to share common background and to maximize the training experience. You will be informed when the application is approved.

The course confirmation will be accompanied by payment details.

The invoice will be issued within 10 days after the course confirmation and cannot be changed, so please make sure you have provided us with the correct information (to be checked on the Proforma Invoice). Only digital version of invoices will be sent to participants.

Payment of the fee is due before course commencement. Bank fee on your side

Cancellation policy: All cancellations must be made by writing (email or fax) to the secretary.

Payment of the balance of the course is due, in full, for cancellation received after invoice raising.

Registrants who fail to attend without advance notice are liable for the entire course fee.

CPD Credits:

The course awarded:

10 CPD points by IAT

15 CPD credits by the Royal Society of Biology

1.5 days of training / continuing education for experimenters, study directors and heads of animal facilities by Swiss Veterinarian Associations



This two-day on-line introductory course is designed to provide the key aspects for the management of a modern laboratory rodent facility.

Layout & functional areas, bio-containment & bio-exclusion, washing & decontamination, health monitoring concepts will be described with particular attention to new technological developments, scientific needs of research and management concepts.

Theoretical and practical examples will be used to enhance the participants’ knowledge and improve their skills on everyday activities developing a critical approach to the choices made daily for the management of the animal care and safety of operators.

Language: English
Materials: Click here to download the syllabus

Fondazione Guido Bernardini - Fondazione senza scopo di lucro

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Via Manfredo Camperio, 11 - 20123 MILANO
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