Upcoming courses and Events


This two-day on-line course is designed to provide the key aspects for the management of a modern laboratory rodent facility, with a particular focus on IVC systems. Layout & functional areas, bio-containment & bio-exclusion, washing & decontamination, health monitoring concepts will be described with particular attention to new technological developments, scientific needs of research and management concepts. Theoretical and practical examples will be used to enhance the participants’ knowledge.

Course details:





Language: English
Teaching method:

Facility and unit managers and supervisors, veterinarians, quality assurance managers, animal technologists, senior technicians.


Cisco Webex Platform

Duration: 2 days, from 09.00 a.m. until 3.30 p.m. CET time zone
Target audience:

Facility and unit managers and supervisors, veterinarians, quality assurance managers, animal technologists, senior technicians.

Learning outcomes:
  • Describe the functional areas of an animal facility and the main workflows (animals, personnel and equipment)
  • Describe the concepts of bio-containment, bio-exclusion, primary and secondary barriers
  • Understand and compare different housing systems (from open cage to IVC)
  • Understand and compare advantages and disadvantages of different cage changing procedures
  • Understand the importance of a health monitoring program
  • Understand the concepts of the washing and decontamination processes
  • Understand the concepts of the autoclaving process
Teaching materials:

Copies of all the presentations will be available for download few days after the course

Number of participants:

Maximum 20

Selection of the participants:

CVs will be reviewed by the Course Committee to ensure that the applicants have the same professional scope in order to share common background and to maximize the training experience.

Registration fee:

200 Euro + 22% VAT RATE when applicable

Early bird registration within February 10, 2025: 180 Euro + 22% VAT RATE when applicable

Registration includes:
  • Participation in the scientific program
  • Training course material
  • Training Course Certificate
More information:

Course Directors: 

  • Alberto Gobbi 
  • Gianpaolo Milite

For more information, please contact: secretary@fondazioneguidobernardini.org

Flyer: Here the flyer

Fondazione Guido Bernardini - Fondazione senza scopo di lucro

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