4th Italian Zebrafish Meeting



The University of Palermo in collaboration with Fondazione Guido Bernardini warmly invites you to join the fourth Italian Zebrafish Meeting. After Padua (2017), Pisa (2019), and Naples (2022), the fourth edition will take place in Palermo on 7-8-9 February 2024. The meeting will begin with afternoon sessions on Wednesday, February 7, and conclude at lunch time on Friday, February 9, 2024.

This meeting will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the most innovative and exciting research currently ongoing in Italy using the zebrafish model. By providing broad coverage of a wide range of topics, the scientific program will allow the dissemination of cutting-edge research and will shed light on its future directions, by strengthening existing partnerships and by forging new collaborations.

Oral and poster presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts, and two keynote lectures will be given by prominent scientists in the worldwide zebrafish community. Moreover, the meeting has designated time for selected poster preview talks, poster sessions, and communal meals, to foster open scientific exchange and informal networking opportunities among participants of all career stages.

Abstract submissions from trainees, and junior as well as underrepresented investigators is especially encouraged, since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting.

The meeting will be fully conducted in English and welcomes participants from abroad.

Come and join us from February 7th to 9th, 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you in Palermo!

You may find more information on IZM2024 website

Under the patronage of the
European Zebrafish Society







Duration: 3 days
Registration fee:
  • SOCIAL DINNER: 50 Euro - Registration Deadline January 29, 2024 - SEATS ARE LIMITED
  • Regular rate, before November, 15: 150 Euro 
  • Regular rate, after November, 15: 180 Euro 
  • Young researcher rate, before November 15: 120 Euro*
  • Young researcher rate, after November 15: 150 Euro*
  • Student rate, before November, 15: 100 Euro**
  • Student rate, after November, 15: 120 Euro** 

The fee rates are without VAT (22%).

*Young researcher rate is applied to researchers under the age 32. A letter stating the affiliation (University/Institution) signed by the direct supervisor is required.


**Student rate is applied to undergraduate and PhD students. A confirmation letter by the direct supervisor is required.

Registration includes:

Conference registration fees include coffee breaks, lunch on February 8, attendance at all sessions and a copy of the conference proceedings.


The program includes Oral Presentations, Poster Previews and Poster Sessions.


Main topics are: ​

- Development 

- Disease models and Cancer 

- Emerging technologies 

- Evolution 

- Gene regulation and Chromatin dynamics 

- Metabolism and Nutrition  

- Neurobiology and Behaviour 

- Stem cells and Regeneration 

- Toxicology 

...and much more

Language: English
Materials: Here the flyer

Attendees will be provided with a list of suggested hotels and B&B